Vision of the SCBILC
Persons with brain injury achieving their highest possible quality of life through participation in their community.
Mission of the SCBILC
To provide leadership in promoting a range of services that empower persons with traumatic brain injury, are accessible to them, and are responsive to their needs and preferences.
Functions of the SCBILC
Facilitate communication, coordination, and collaboration among consumer organizations, professionals, public and private service providers, policy-makers, and advocates
Prioritize and address systems issues, service gaps, and funding constraints
Investigate priority areas and make recommendations for improvement/expansion of services and systems change to benefit people with brain injury
Periodically develop or update/expand documents and other materials for dissemination to educate appropriate audiences, including policy-makers and advocates
Long-Term Goals of the SCBILC
Improve services and supports for persons with brain injury, including better coordination and responsiveness, more choice, support for caregivers and culturally-sensitive services.
Increase the awareness of the public, policy makers and others concerning the effects of brain injury and needs of persons with brain injury.
Improve opportunities for and remove barriers (physical, cultural, attitudinal) to greater participation of persons with brain injury in community life.
Increase the capacity of educators and health and human service professionals to identify and meet the needs of persons with brain injury.
Reduce the occurrence of brain injury through increased prevention activities.
Collect and analyze data to identify the scope of the problems, track progress toward achieving goals, assess needs and determine gaps in services.
Strengthen our role in promoting systems change.
Increase funding for services, research, education, advocacy, and prevention related to persons with brain injury.